When it comes to Social Media - all of us are learning. Some of us faster than others. You should be able to benefit from the successes, failures and experiments of other event professionals.
Think of this list as a "social media launching pad" to get your event's social media program off the
Sunday evening, Twitter was buzzing about Google Wave being used at the recent EComm Conference in Amsterdam. The Fresh Networks Blog did a nice job of recapping the power of Google Wave in Google Wave vs. Twitter at Conferences.
To me, this event demonstrated how you can tap into the energy and
You know the blackberry prayer. It’s that pose that attendees adopt when they stuff their faces into their blackberry devices (or iphones) during the keynote address or breakout sessions. You know - at the exact moment that they should be listening.
For some speakers and event organizers this can be embarrassing
With hundreds of new event technologies hitting the global events market each year, it can be maddening to figure out where to start and what to use. To help you, my colleague Ruud Janssen and I have developed an event technology shopping list.
On Tuesday, 1 December, we will be presenting
Are you looking for a super-fantastic way to bundle networking and interaction into a single activity?
Then you might like this idea. I found an old school way to build a social network using magic markers - it is called the “Get Connected Wall.”
The “Get Connected Wall” allows your attendees to create
This morning, I read an article on interactive whiteboards that got me thinking about whiteboards and collaboration in events. The article indicated that interactive whiteboards were improving learning and collaboration in educational environments. Also, it said that 1 in 7 classrooms will be using these interactive whiteboards by 2011.
It made
Yesterday, HSMAI Affordable Meetings(R) National and Event Technology Expo(TM) released the results of a survey that found that technology cannot replace the value of face to face meetings. (Read Article)
The press release identified six elements of the conference experience that meeting professionals felt were unable to be replaced by technology: