If Hybrid Events had fun recipe names, then the Event Camp Twin Cities hybrid event recipe would be called Nacho Mamas Deep Fried Hybrid Event On a Stick.
Because it sounds unhealthy, irresistible and something that you should try at least once! I imagine it just like the photo below.
Why should
In his book Here Comes Everybody Clay Shirky writes - “If you give them more of a reason to do something, they will do more of it, and if you make it easier to do more of something that they are already inclined to do, they will also do more
I created this video as a thought starter for the "Integrating Social Media in Events" Fishbowl discussion that I led at Event Camp. Due to popular demand, I have been asked to share this video with you. I hope that you enjoy it!
[wpvideo 7YeVtUoW]
This video was created using Apple Keynote (Apple's
What if you could ask 500 attendees a question and receive relevant, prioritized responses in a matter of seconds? Just like on Google.
What would you ask?
Would you ask attendees your most pressing questions? Would you ask them for ideas? Would you ask them to help you prioritize objectives? Would you
Endless PowerPoint presentations and stale ham sandwiches have been making attendees comatose at meetings and events for decades now. While many event organizers recognize the need for more interaction, few know where to start.
Most leap for technology tools and new formats.
By immediately starting with technology solutions, you risk over-engineering OR
What would happen if you made walking up the stairs more fun than taking the escalator? What would would happen if you made it fun to put bottles in a recycling canister?
This past weekend, I discovered a website called the Fun Theory that has figured out how to make
In Europe, it is customary to kiss a woman on the cheek when you meet. For me, an American expat, this is still a strange and awkward ritual - even after 3.5 years.
To make things more complicated each country has its own customs. I always seem to forget what to
Imagine this: you walk into a room with 1,000 people but find yourself alone - drowning in a sea of people. Some people you know - but that lady who just walked past - who was she? Could she be a “future” customer? But before you can ask - "poof"
Imagine that you are a Prince fan. Not just any fan, but a big fan. Now, imagine that Prince is coming to your town for a once-in-a-lifetime concert. Of course, you really, really, really want to go but tickets sell out in 8 minutes. You didn’t get any.
Now, you are
I recently read that 80% of learning is informal. This statistic was published in a fascinating article called "Learning Gets Social" in the August issue of Training & Development. While I am not smart enough to challenge the validity of this number, I am smart enough to ask this question: If learning