Free Webinar: Beyond Social Media – Uncover New Ways To Connect, Engage and Educate Your Audience Physically And Virtually
This morning, I joined Jeff Hurt (Velvet Chainsaw Consulting) and Michael McCurry (Experient) in a webinar called: Beyond Social Media: Uncover New Ways To Connect, Engage and Educate Your Audience Physically and Virtually. The webinar was organized by InXpo and was part of their InXpoLive program. The webinar gave us a great opportunity to experience the InXpo platform from behind the curtain.
The slide deck is below and the webinar recording is available here: Webinar recording.
[slideshare id=3469467&doc=march18inxposmwebinarfinal-100318131139-phpapp01]
Bottom Line
Social Media is creating new opportunities for you to connect, engage and educate your attendees. As your attendees get used to having more of these two way experiences in their real lives – they will start expecting similar experiences from your events. While there are many technologies that can help you – you need to make sure that you (1) set your objectives, (2) assess your audience and (3) map your needs to the resources that are available to you.