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The Twitter Experiment in Face-to-Face Learning

We can learn a lot about using technology in events from watching what is happening in college classrooms.

This video called The Twitter Experiment from the University of Texas provides a good case study of the role that Twitter can play in Face-to-Face learning. Take a few minutes and watch it.


How Could This Experiment Translate to Events?

As I watched the video there were several benefits that I think are worth noting for events as well.

  1. Twitter’s 140 character limit helps attendees quickly get to the main point of their message.
  2. Using a tool like Twitter allows you to get more input, ideas, questions and comments from a broader segment of the audience in a shorter period of time.
  3. Attendees can use both mobile phones and laptops to participate – in the conference room.
  4. Attendees can participate in the discussion remotely.
  5. Shy people (or people that use English as a second language) don’t have to worry about speaking up in front of the entire audience.
  6. Learners can post the key points on Twitter to help reinforce them.
  7. The chat archive can be used as notes, so attendees can to go back and review what happened.

Bottom Line

There are several benefits to using Twitter in face-to-face events or instructor led learning environments.

Keep Dr. Rankin’s final comment in mind as you get started: “It’s going to be messy…but messy doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s going to be bad.

What other benefits to using Twitter in face-to-face meetings or instructor led learning environments would you add?

Written by

Samuel J. Smith is the Managing Director of Interactive Meeting Technology, LLC. He wakes up every morning to save the world from stuffing attendees in chairs for hours on end at events. Oh, and he has small children who usually want some breakfast.
