How To Design An Effective Hybrid Event [Webcast & Slides]
Ray Hansen and I traveled to Madison, Wisconsin to record a live webcast/webinar on our Lessons Learned in Building the Hybrid Event at Event Camp Twin Cities. Here are the slides and link to the video archive from that presentation.
[slideshare id=5585158&doc=ectc10casestudy-101027132325-phpapp02]
Watch Archived Webcast
(Watch) This presentation starts with a photo slideshow from the live Event Camp Twin Cities event. Then we dive into the presentation.
It is hard to pack so much into a 45 minute presentation. Actually, we left out a ton of stuff from the presentation – sometimes intentionally and sometimes by accident. (The timeclock was ticking.)
For example, we didn’t talk much about planning and objective setting, because we assumed that most people will have already taken that step before starting. Also, we didn’t talk much about the Technology Recipe – because I did that in the post: Nacho Mama’s Hybrid Event Recipe.
Thirteen Points From The Webcast
- Most hybrid events are like bad public access television
- Most attendees are in cubes & you dare them to not be distracted
- “Live” TV are a good model for hybrid/virtual
- Hosts that bridge the live & remote are imperative
- Additional programming keeps the virtual audience’s attention
- Your technology should support your objectives (indirectly made)
- Incorporate input from remote locations (Your PODS)
- Use business games, group projects, etc to turn viewers into participants
- Integrate remote presentations from other locations
- Two-way communication with f2f & remote is important
- Program for your f2f, POD and remote audiences
- Plan for sharable content & ideas to help extend your reach
- Define team roles and prepare
Bottom Line
Planning a good hybrid event requires much more than putting a camera in the back of the room and pushing record. You need to design and plan an experience that will connect and engage your remote audience.